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Anna Nielsson Photography » Tag: dock

  20140614-edmund-gardner-dazzle-ship.jpg Salthouse Dock NarrowboatsThumbnailsDepth Marker, Albert DockSalthouse Dock NarrowboatsThumbnailsDepth Marker, Albert DockSalthouse Dock NarrowboatsThumbnailsDepth Marker, Albert DockSalthouse Dock NarrowboatsThumbnailsDepth Marker, Albert DockSalthouse Dock NarrowboatsThumbnailsDepth Marker, Albert DockSalthouse Dock NarrowboatsThumbnailsDepth Marker, Albert DockSalthouse Dock NarrowboatsThumbnailsDepth Marker, Albert Dock  
Edmund Gardner - Dazzled

During her working life of almost 30 years the Edmund Gardner was essentially a base out in the Irish Sea for the Pilotage Service, providing accommodation for up to 32 pilots at a time. The pilots met all shipping approaching the Mersey and guided them into and out of the docks, to ensure their safety.
The commission transforms the historic pilot ship the Edmund Gardner into a ‘dazzle ship’, using a painting technique introduced as a way of camouflaging ships during the First World War. Dazzle's contrasting stripes and curves create an optical illusion that break up a ship’s shape and obscure its movement in the water, making it difficult for enemy submarines to identify and destroy.

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Image reference: 789
© Anna Fairley Nielsson

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